Cans use in china, Porcelain enamel, Plastic, Glass reinforced plastics wait for material quality's pump, valve, Pagoda mouth's entrance connection. 可应用于陶瓷、搪瓷、塑料、玻璃钢等材质的泵、阀、塔口的进出口连接。
Porcelain enamel Institute technical forum. 搪瓷学会技术讨论会会报。
Porcelain Enamel Protection of Air-preheated Device of Electric Plant 电厂空气预热器的搪瓷防腐
Effect of Processing on the Bond Strength between Porcelain Enamel and Ni-Cr Alloy 工艺因素对瓷釉与镍铬合金结合强度的影响
Heating power calculation made known that the porcelain enamel tube air preheater coefficient of heat transfer was smaller than the carbon steel's, and the heat transfer area was a little great; 热力计算表明搪瓷管空气预热器传热系数略小于碳钢管预热器,传热面积略大;
The bonding strength between the special resin and the porcelain was 93% as much as the bonding strength between the normal light-curing resin and fresh enamel in vitro, and there was no statistically significant difference between the two. 试验显示专用树脂与瓷粘接强度可达到普通光敏树脂与新鲜离体牙釉质粘接强度的93%左右,二者统计学上无显著性差异。
Effects of different porcelain bonding systems combined with ceramic surface treatments on the shear bond strength between porcelain and bovine enamel 不同瓷粘结系统及表面处理方式对瓷与釉质间粘结强度的影响
Protection of welded joints of sprayed porcelain pipe by self-deposition of enamel coating 喷瓷管道焊接接头的自熔覆防护
Consistency Control of Porcelain Enamel Slips 搪瓷釉浆稠度控制
Study on Luster Film of Porcelain Enamel Surface 搪瓷表面虹彩膜的研究
Analysing and protect for shedding porcelain of enamel reaction jar 搪瓷反应罐脱瓷分析及防护措施
Influence of 18th century armorial porcelain decoration on enamel ceramics 论十八世纪纹章瓷纹章装饰对珐琅彩瓷的影响
Porcelain enamel belongs to the inorganic nonmetallic material, it is one kind of compound materials, which was coated on the metal surface and burned under high temperature. 搪瓷材料属于无机非金属材料,它是一种深覆在金属表面的一层或多层玻璃质釉,在高温下烧制而成的金属与无机氧化物牢固结合的复合材料。
Constructs the kiln is south Song Dynasty one of porcelain kilns, burns makes the black enamel organ to be famous, its fever makes the place in now Fujian Province Jianyang water Ji Town. 摘要内容:建窑是宋代南方瓷窑之一,以烧造黑釉器著称,其烧造地点在今福建省建阳水吉镇。
The qing court drive makes porcelain body painted enamel as queen "color porcelain", porcelain making history has supreme status in the world, is also a business card to the world on behalf of the Chinese porcelain collectors. 清朝宫廷御制瓷胎画珐琅作为彩瓷皇后,在世界制瓷史上有着至尊的地位,也是世界瓷器收藏界代表中国的一张名片。
Where lacquer to strong local character and Beijing Jingdezhen porcelain enamel, Jiangxi and Chinese traditional craft "Sambo". 其中脱胎漆器以浓郁地方特色与北京景泰蓝、江西景德镇瓷器并称中国传统工艺三宝。
This approach not only has the firing of porcelain, artistic effect of traditional Chinese ink painting, and its ornamentation a result of the cover glaze layer of protection without being grinding injury, has incomparable superiority of enamel painting. 采用这种方法烧制的器皿不但具有中国传统山水画的艺术感觉,并且器皿表面纹饰因施釉层的保护而不会被磨损,具有釉上彩绘所无法比的优越性。